5 Day Weather Forecast

 Thursday 12th December 2024Friday 13th December 2024  Saturday 14th December 2024  Sunday 15th December 2024  Monday 16th December 2024
Venantius Descartes     
Temperature (oC)High: 30 Low: 26High: 30 Low: 25  High: 30 Low: 25  High: 30 Low: 25  High: 29 Low: 25
WeatherFair to occasionally cloudy with a few showersFair to partly cloudy with a few showers    Partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers    Partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers    Cloudy at times with occasional showers
Average Wind Speed7 mph or 11 km/h7 mph or 17 km/h becoming calm at times  10 mph or 17 km/h  12 mph or 19 km/h  15 mph or 24 km/h
Wind DirectionEast-northeasterlyVariable    East-northeasterly    Easterly    East-northeasterly
Tides:  CastriesHigh: 1:45 am Low: 6:07 am High: 12:44 pm Low: 7:48 pmHigh: 2:42 am Low: 6:53 am High: 1:32 pm  Low: 8:39 pm    High: 3:32 am Low: 7:40 am High: 2:20 pm Low: 9:29 pm    High: 4:16 am Low: 8:26 am High: 3:08 pm Low: 10:16 pm    High: 4:58 am Low: 9:12 am High: 3:56 pm Low: 11:03 pm  
Tides:  Vieux-Fort  High: 2:52 am Low: 7:34 am High: 1:51 pm Low: 9:15 pmHigh: 3:49 am Low: 8:20 am High: 2:39 pm Low: 10:06 pm    High: 4:39 am  Low: 9:07 am High: 3:27 pm Low: 10:56 pm  High: 5:23 am  Low: 9:53 am High: 4:15 pm Low: 11:43 pm  High: 6:05 am  Low: 10:39 am High: 5:03 pm  
DaylightSunrise: 6:18 am Sunset: 5:37 pmSunrise: 6:19 am Sunset: 5:37 pm  Sunrise: 6:20 am Sunset: 5:38 pm  Sunrise: 6:20 am Sunset: 5:38 pm  Sunrise: 6:20 am Sunset: 5:38 pm