5 Day Weather Forecast

 Saturday 12th October 2024Sunday 13th October 2024Monday 14th  October 2024Tuesday 15th  October 2024Wednesday 16th  October 2024
 Forecaster: Vigil Saltibus     
Temperature (oC)High: 32 Low: 27High: 31 Low: 26High: 30 Low: 25High: 32 Low: 27High: 32 Low: 27
WeatherFair and hazy, occasionally becoming cloudy with a few light showers.Partly cloudy and hazy, becoming cloudy at times, with some scattered showers and a chance of isolated thunderstorms.Partly cloudy to cloudy and hazy with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms.Fair and hazy, becoming cloudy at times with a few scattered showers.Fair and hazy, becoming cloudy at times with a few scattered showers.
Average Wind Speed16 mph or 26 km/h.18 mph or 30 km/h.18 mph or 30 km/h.16 mph or 26 km/h.16 mph or 26 km/h.
Wind DirectionEasterly to East-southeasterlyEasterlyEasterlyEasterlyEasterly
Tides:  CastriesLow: 5:38 am High: 12:26 pm Low: 4:46 pm  High: 11:33 pmLow: 6:23 am High: 12:59 pm Low: 6:02 pm  High: 12:45 am Low: 7:01 am  High: 1:29 pm  Low: 7:04 pmHigh: 1:46 am Low: 7:37 am  High: 2:00 pm  Low: 7:59 pmHigh: 2:42 am Low: 8:11 am  High: 2:33 pm  Low: 8:51 pm
Tides:  Vieux-Fort  Low: 7:05 am High: 1:33 pm Low: 6:13 pmHigh: 12:40 am Low: 7:50 am High: 2:06 pm Low: 7:29 pmHigh: 1:52 am Low: 8:28 am High: 2:36 pm  Low: 8:31 pmHigh: 2:53 am Low: 9:04 am High: 3:07 pm  Low: 9:26 pmHigh: 3:49 am Low: 9:38 am High: 3:40 pm  Low: 10:18 pm
DaylightSunrise: 5:54 am Sunset: 5:45 pmSunrise: 5:54 am Sunset: 5:45 pmSunrise: 5:54 am Sunset: 5:44 pmSunrise: 5:55 am Sunset: 5:44 pmSunrise: 5:55 am Sunset: 5:43 pm