6:00 pm Weather Report
Date: 15th June, 2022
Forecaster: Venantius Descartes
Present weather at Hewanorra Airport is partly cloudy and hazy.
Present weather at GFL Charles Airport is cloudy and hazy.
Present temperature at Hewanorra Airport is 28°C or 82°F.
Today’s maximum temperature at Hewanorra Airport was 31°C or 87°F.
Wind at Hewanorra Airport is blowing from the east at 24 mph or 39 km/h.
Rainfall in the 24-hour period that ended at 2:00 pm today:
At Hewanorra Airport: 91.5 mm. At GFL Charles Airport:80.3 mm
Total rainfall for the month of June so far:
At Hewanorra Airport: 115.9 mm. At GFL Charles Airport: 122.1 mm
Sunrise tomorrow: 5:36 am Sunset tomorrow: 6:33 pm
Winds will be blowing from east near 18 mph or 30 km/h with a few gusts.
Weather: Partly cloudy to cloudy and hazy, with scattered showers and
a chance of isolated thunderstorms.
Rainfall over the island during the past 24 hours has left soils saturated and any additional rainfall may cause flooding and landslides
in areas prone to such hazards. Therefore, residents and motorists in areas prone to these hazards should be vigilant and exercise extreme caution.